Nager syndrome is a rare disease involving severe micrognathia and upper limb shortening. In this report, we describe a case in which micrognathia of the fetus was suspected based on the observation of upper limb shortening during detailed B mode and 3D/4D ultrasonographic observation, and combined fetal MRI and 3D-CT led to a prenatal diagnosis of Nager syndrome. Upon birth, because severe micrognathia caused airway obstruction and made it difficult to spread the larynx for intubation, effective ventilation could not be carried out and a tracheostomy was necessary. Since a differential diagnosis of Nager syndrome can be made based on the fact that micrognathia typically co-occurs with upper limb shortening, it is possible to diagnose the disease before birth and prepare for life-saving measures accordingly.
Keywords: jaw index; Nager syndrome; SF3B4; acrofacial dysostosis; micrognathia.