The large mediastinal mass (LMM) at initial staging represents a risk factor in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and is measured by X-ray. Depending on location of the LMM, different results can occur regardless of the initial lymphoma volume. To assess this risk factor more accurately, we evaluated the method of volumetry in 77 patients of HD13/14 study of the German Hodgkin Study Group. Furthermore, volume calculations based on three or only one diameter, were performed to simplify volume assessment. Inter-rater reliability was good for all methods. The 3-diameter measurement produced larger volumes than volumetric assessment with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.93, which could be improved to 0.95 by multiplying volumes with a correction factor of 0.86. The 1-dimensional measurement strongly overestimated the volume with an ICC of 0.7. In conclusion, the simplified volume estimation based on 3 largest diameters provides a reliable concept for the staging of HL patients.
Keywords: Hodgkin lymphoma; large mediastinal tumor; risk factor; volumetry.