When a child is diagnosed with epilepsy, counseling regarding the same is done by the treating doctor. Most parents are frightened and have poor knowledge about epilepsy. Therapeutic advice including drug dosage, administration and side effects takes up the major part of physician's time, thereby neglecting important issues like home seizure management, follow up and others. These lacunae in knowledge require systematic patient and family education. To address these issues, an expert group meeting of pediatric neurologists and epileptologists in India along with social workers/epilepsy educators, legal experts, parents, and teachers was held. The various aspects regarding parental counseling in children with epilepsy were discussed and a consensus document was formulated. Here authors present the group consensus statement on counseling parents and caregivers of children with epilepsy. This document is intended to help physicians and pediatricians counsel the families when a child is diagnosed with epilepsy.
Keywords: Activity restriction; Families; Schooling.