Surprisingly, more new unique recombinant forms (URFs) of CRF01_AE/CRF07_BC recombinant viruses were found in Tianjin, China, recently. Here we identified another novel HIV-1 recombinant virus (TJ20170315) isolated from an HIV-1 positive man who has sex with men in Tianjin, China. Phylogenetic analysis of the near full-length genome of TJ20170315 showed that it formed a monophyletic branch within the cluster of CRF01_AE reference sequences. Recombinant analysis showed that the virus kept the CRF01_AE parental backbone, and one CRF07_BC segment was inserted into gag, pol genes of the CRF01_AE backbone. Nowadays, multiple kinds of circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and URFs were identified among men who has sex with men in China. The emergency of URFs highlights the complexity of HIV-1 infection in Tianjin, China, and implies that the next new CRF and HIV-1 epidemic are coming on the road.
Keywords: CRF; HIV-1; MSM; URF.