Background: Analysis of the female skeleton from the 18th century revealed a collection of morphological changes.
Materials and methods: Anthropological evaluation and dental X-ray techniques allowed the age to be determined at 12-13 years.
Results: The distal parts of the both humerus bones had distinct, supracondylar processes of about 5 mm at the medial-lateral surface. The frontal bone had a well-preserved metopic suture along the entire length of the squama. There were also two Wormian bones (Inca bones), asymmetrical mastoid foramen, and only left non-obliterated condylar canal.
Conclusions: The skull measurements allowed the cranial index to be determined - 93.5 (brachycephalia) and height-length index - 98.6 (akrocephalus). Moreover, X-ray analysis of incomplete dentition was made.
Keywords: epicondylar process; metopic suture; morphological varieties of skeleton.