A survey was conducted to analyze the HIV testing status and related influencing factors of male sexually transmitted diseases(STD) patients attending 18 county-level hospitals in Shandong Province from July 2015 to August 2016. The HIV detection rate of 1 570 subjects was 77.58% (1 218/1 570), and the HIV-antibody positive rate was 0.99% (12/1 218). Compared with general hospitals patients, urinary and anorectal patients, non-sexual patients, and patients with negative attitudes toward HIV testing, patients were more likely to be tested for HIV from specialized hospitals (OR=3.74, 95%CI:2.53-5.54), the skin and venereal section (OR=1.92, 95%CI: 1.31-2.79), the STD group (OR=2.02, 95%CI: 1.34-3.03) and patients with positive attitude (OR=15.20, 95%CI:10.74-21.52).
对2015年7月至2016年8月在山东省18家县级医院就诊的男性性病就诊者进行调查,分析医疗机构男性性病就诊者的HIV检测状况及相关因素。1 570名研究对象的HIV检测率为77.58%(1 218/1 570),抗体阳性率为0.99%(12/1 218)。与综合医院就诊者、泌尿和肛肠就诊者、非性病患者、对HIV检测持消极态度者相比,专科医院就诊者(OR=3.74,95%CI:2.53~5.54)、皮肤性病科就诊者(OR=1.92,95%CI:1.31~2.79)、性病患者(OR=2.02,95%CI:1.34~3.03)、对HIV检测积极态度者(OR=15.20,95%CI:10.74~21.52)的HIV检测率较高。.
Keywords: HIV; HIV testing; Influence factors; Male; Sexually transmitted diseases.