A derivative of the unstable X chromosome, Uc, isolated in 1978 is still unstable and exhibits most of the genetic properties characteristic of the original Uc. This derivative, Df(1)cm-In, contains an inversion of the genes between bands 6F1-2 and 3D3-5 and a lethal deficiency between 6D5-7 and 6F1-2. This chromosome generated Notch mutations at a rate of 3.47 +/- 0.32% during seven consecutive generations. Cytological analysis of 50 Notch mutations of independent origin in the Df(1)cm-In chromosome showed that all of the 50 had an apparently identical deletion involving the region between 3D3-5 and 3C7-8 of the X chromosome. The results of in situ hybridization indicated that the extent of deletion in all of the 20 Notch deficiencies sampled from the 50 mentioned above involves about 10 kb of the sequences from the 3' end of the Notch locus. In addition to hypermutability and the accumulation of site-specific chromosome breaks, the Df(1)cm-In chromosome reinverts its inversion to the normal sequence and exhibits use of the existing chromosome breakpoints to generate new rearrangements.