Gold nanoparticles have drawn attention to nanomedicine for many years due to their physicochemical properties, which include: good stability; biocompatibility; easy surface chemistry and superior magnetic; and last, electronic properties. All of these properties distinguish gold nanoparticles as advantageous carriers to be exploited. The challenge to develop new gold nanostructures has led to anisotropy, a new property to exploit for various medical applications: diagnostic and imaging strategies as well as therapeutic options. Gold nanorods are the most studied anisotropic gold nanoparticles because of the presence of two absorption peaks according to their longitudinal and transversal plasmon resonances. The longitudinal surface plasmonic resonance can provide the absorption in the near-infrared region and this is an important aspect of using gold nanorods for medical purposes.
Keywords: anisotropy; biosensing; drug delivery; functionalization; gold; imaging; nanoparticles; photothermal effect; synthesis; target therapy.