Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) concerns 50% of men older that 60 Years old and can induce symptoms also earlier. Medical treatment are mostly alpha blockers (AB), 5-alpha réductase inhibitors (5ARI) and phospho-diestérase inhibitors. In case of failure or poor tolerance of drug treatment, surgery can be indicated, after evaluation of the Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO), based on urodynamic studies. Endoscopic or open surgery is selected according to the size of the prostate, the expertise of the urologist and patient preference. Surgical treatment is very efficient but carries frequent complications, especially retrograde ejaculation which is very frequent and can compromise fertility and sexual pleasure. Prostatic Artery Embolisation, an outpatient intervention performed by Interventional Radiologists and available in France since 2012 is a new alternative to surgery in case of failure or poor tolerance of medical treatment. It consists in super-selective injection of calibrated micro-particles into both prostatic arteries after femoral artery puncture at the groin. It is safe and efficient and provides appropriate symptomatic improvement BOO related to BPH.
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