Background: Pregnancy with massive splenomegaly is a rare entity and is associated with increased risk to both mother and foetus. There is paucity of studies in the literature to guide clinicians for the management of this condition.
Methods: We reviewed the course of pregnancy, maternal and foetal outcomes of 5 pregnant women with massive splenomegaly who were managed in our unit during 2015-16.
Results: All 5 women had anaemia and thrombocytopenia, and had different causes for splenomegaly. One patient had chronic malaria, 2 had portal hypertension with cirrhosis and the remaining 2 had non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Life-threatening complications were present in 2 patients; one of them had severe pre-eclampsia complicated by pulmonary oedema, cardiac arrest and the other patient developed spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Intrauterine growth restriction and meconium-stained liquor were the most common perinatal complications. Two patients had vaginal delivery and 3 required emergency caesarean section. Postpartum haemorrhage was present in 2, and the hospital stay was prolonged in all the patients. All mothers and babies were discharged in a satisfactory condition.
Conclusion: Pregnancy with massive splenomegaly poses a challenge because of diverse aetiology and potentially adverse outcomes. Multidisciplinary care in a tertiary centre can help optimize the outcome.