The algorithms used for detecting anomalies have evolved substantially over the last decade to take advantage of advances in informatics and to accommodate changes in surveillance data. We identified 145 studies since 2007 that evaluated statistical methods used to detect aberrations in public health surveillance data. For each study, we classified the analytic methods and reviewed the evaluation metrics. We also summarized the practical usage of the detection algorithms in public health surveillance systems worldwide. Traditional methods (e.g., control charts, linear regressions) were the focus of most evaluation studies and continue to be used commonly in practice. There was, however, an increase in the number of studies using forecasting methods and studies applying machine learning methods, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian framework to multivariate datasets. Evaluation studies demonstrated improved accuracy with more sophisticated methods, but these methods do not appear to be used widely in public health practice.
Keywords: Aberration detection; Disease surveillance; Evaluation; Statistical methods.
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