Long-term outcomes of freeze-all strategy: A retrospective analysis from a single ART center in Japan

Reprod Med Biol. 2019 Jan 16;18(2):173-179. doi: 10.1002/rmb2.12264. eCollection 2019 Apr.


Purpose: To demonstrate the benefits of the freeze-all strategy for in vitro fertilization treatment based on retrospective analyses.

Methods: Post-thaw embryo survival rates of slow-frozen embryos in 294 cycles and vitrified embryos in 12 195 cycles were assessed. Progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) levels per mature oocyte by age category were assessed in 9081 cycles and pregnancy rates with fresh embryo transfer and frozen-thawed embryo transfer by P4 level were assessed in 1535 cycles.

Results: The survival rates of frozen-thawed embryos were 92.5% with slow freezing and 99.1% with vitrification. P4 levels on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection showed a trend toward an increase with age. The pregnancy rate per mature oocyte with fresh embryo transfer decreased dependently upon P4 level, while that with frozen-thawed embryo transfer was not affected by P4 level. The pregnancy rates with frozen-thawed embryo transfer were higher than those with fresh embryo transfer in patients aged 42 years or younger.

Conclusions: The freeze-all strategy is a valuable treatment option which allows the separation of an embryo transfer cycle from an oocyte retrieval cycle, especially for patients with high P4 levels at oocyte retrieval and patients of advanced maternal age.

Keywords: freeze‐all strategy; frozen‐thawed embryo transfer; in vitro fertilization; progesterone level; vitrification.