There are no reports of human research on continuous epidural contrast injection, and there are no definite methods to investigate the spread of drugs injected continuously into the epidural space. We investigated the feasibility of continuous epidural contrast injection in patients undergoing computed tomography (CT)-guided therapy. In this study, a combination of a contrast agent mixed with 0.75% ropivacaine was used as the test drug. The main outcome evaluated was the feasibility of continuous epidural contrast imaging by CT scan following epidural injection of a contrast agent with 0.75% ropivacaine. We studied three patients who underwent CT-guided procedures and found that continuous epidural contrast injection was possible without any deleterious effects, such as an allergic reaction. The spread of the contrast agent was not consistent with the level of the clinical analgesic effect. Continuous epidural contrast injection is a feasible procedure. The results of our study might contribute to future research on continuous epidural contrast administration, as well as provide patients with superior analgesia.
Keywords: 3D-CT scan; continuous epidural contrast; spread of epidural analgesia.