Objectives: To investigate the total fluids intake, volume of urine and hydration status among college students from Hebei Province in spring. Methods: In March 2017, the subjects were recruited in a college in Baoding, Hebei Province. 156 students completed the investigation. Total drinking fluids was assessed by 7-day 24-hour fluid intake questionnaire, with a quantitative tool. The water from food was assessed by the duplicate portion method. The urine samples of 24-hour was collected for 3 consecutive days, and the volume, osmolality, pH and specific gravity of urine were measured. Hydration status was grouped to three types according to the urine osmolality (mOsm/kg), namely, optimal hydration (urine osmolality ≤500), middle hydration (500< urine osmolality ≥800) and dehydration (urine osmolality >800), and the differences among subjects in different genders and hydration statuses were compared. Results: The age of all subjects was (19.8±1.1) years old, including 80 male students. The median amounts of total fluids intake, total drinking fluids, water from food and urine volume were 2 324, 1 135, 1 174 and 1 279 ml/d, respectively. The volume of urine among males was 1 272 ml/d, which was not significantly different from that of females (1 304 ml/d) (P>0.05). The osmolality and specific gravity of urine among males were 688 mOsm/kg and 1.017, which were higher than those of females (493 mOsm/kg, 1.014) (P<0.05). But the pH of males was 6.6±0.3, which was lower than that of females (6.7±0.3) (P<0.05). Only 37.2% (n=58) of college students were in optimal hydration status. The median of the amount of total drinking fluids among subjects in optimal hydration status was 301, 448 ml/d higher than that in middle hydration status and dehydration, respectively (P<0.05). The proportion of females in optimal hydration status was 51.3% (n=39), which was higher than that of males 23.8% (n=19) (P<0.05). Conclusion: Large proportion of college students in Hebei had lower total drinking fluids than the recommended intake of China, and the volume of urine was equal to the amount of total drinking fluids among the college students. Only 37.2% of college students were in optimal hydration status, and the proportion of female college students in optimal hydration status was larger than that of males.
目的: 分析河北省某高校大学生春季饮水量、排尿量及水合状态。 方法: 于2017年3月在河北省保定市某高校招募受试对象,最终完成调查156名。利用定量用具进行饮水量调查,记录连续7 d的每天每次饮水量,采用双份饭法与称重法结合的方法来进行食物水摄入量调查并检测食物中水分。收集调查对象连续3 d 24 h内所有尿液并测定排尿量、尿液渗透压、尿pH值、尿比重。按照尿液渗透压(mOsm/kg)将水合状态分为适宜(≤500)、中间(500<且≤800)、脱水(>800)3种情况,分析不同性别及水合状态调查对象相关指标的差异。 结果: 调查对象年龄为(19.8±1.1)岁,其中男生80名。调查对象总水摄入量、饮水量、食物水摄入量、排尿量M分别为2 342、1 135、1 174和1 279 ml/d。男生排尿量M为1 272 ml/d,与女生排尿量差异无统计学意义(1 304 ml/d)(P>0.05);男生尿液渗透压、尿比重M分别为688 mOsm/kg、1.017,均高于女生(493 mOsm/kg、1.014)(P<0.05);男生尿液pH值为6.6±0.3,低于女生(6.7±0.3)(P<0.05)。仅有37.2%(58名)学生处于适宜水合状态,适宜水合状态组饮水量M分别比中间水合状态及脱水状态组高301、448 ml/d(P<0.05)。女生处于适宜水合状态比例为51.3%(39名),高于男生(23.8%,19名)(P<0.05)。 结论: 河北省某高校多数大学生存在严重饮水不足现象;饮水量与排尿量大体相等;仅有37.2%学生处于适宜水合状态,女生处于适宜水合状态比例高于男生。.
Keywords: Dehydration; Drinking; Hydration status.