Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are glycated proteins associated with high dry temperature food processing, coloring and flavor modification of food products. Previous studies on diet-related disease support the role of the glycation products as biomarkers in local and general proinflammatory response. Exogenous and endogenous AGEs are involved in chronic low-level inflammation, which underlies the onset of metabolic syndrome influenced by food intake, there by demonstrating their implication in diet-related pathologies. Although studies have revealed a strong association between the accumulation of AGEs and the occurrence/worsening of metabolic diseases, their routine use for the diagnosis or monitoring of local and general disease has not yet been reported.
Keywords: AGEs; AGEs diagnosis and downregulation; advanced glycation end products; biomarkers; biosensor; chronic low-level inflammation; diet-related disease; metabolic syndrome; metainflammation; saliva.