Efficient 263 GHz magic angle spinning DNP at 100 K using solid-state diode sources

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson. 2019 Aug:100:63-69. doi: 10.1016/j.ssnmr.2019.03.008. Epub 2019 Mar 28.


The development of new, high-frequency solid-state diode sources capable of operating at 263 GHz, together with an optimized stator design for improved millimeter-wave coupling to the NMR sample, have enabled low-power DNP experiments at 263 GHz/400 MHz. With 250 mW output power, signal enhancements as high as 120 are achieved on standard samples - approximately 1/3 of the maximal enhancement available with high-power gyrotrons under similar conditions. Diode-based sources have a number of advantages over vacuum tube devices: they emit a pure mode, can be rapidly frequency-swept over a wide range of frequencies, have reproducible output power over this range, and have excellent output stability. By virtue of their small size, low thermal footprint, and lack of facility requirements, solid-state diodes are also considerably cheaper to operate and maintain than high-power vacuum tube devices. In light of these features, and anticipating further improvements in terms of available output power, solid-state diodes are likely to find widespread use in DNP and contribute to further advances in the field.

Keywords: DNP; Dynamic nuclear polarization; Microwave; Millimeter wave; NMR; NMR probes; Solid state NMR; Solid-state diode.