Studying a Flexible Polyurethane Elastomer with Improved Impact-Resistant Performance

Polymers (Basel). 2019 Mar 12;11(3):467. doi: 10.3390/polym11030467.


A flexible polyurethane elastomer (PUE) is studied, and the improved impact-resistant performance is revealed. Compressive stress⁻strain curves over a wide loading rate range were derived. Under static loading, the rubbery-like characteristics are demonstrated, which are flexible and hyperelastic, to process a large strain of about 60% followed by full recovery upon unloading. Under high-rate loadingcompared with the mechanical data of polyurethane elastomer (PUE) and polyurea (PUA) materials in the literature. Orderly parallel deformation bands were formed from carrying a large strain. The fibrils were found between deformation bands for enhancing the yield/plateau stress. A considerable plastic zone ahead of propagating crack with numerous crazes and microcracks was produced for realizing the dynamic strain energy absorption. This work presents a scientific innovation for developing outstanding impact-resistant polyurethane elastomers for transparent protection engineering.

Keywords: energy absorption; impact-resistant performance; plastic zone; polyurethane elastomer; strain rate.