The predominant [3H]diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP)-binding proteins that are released from the secretory granules of activated mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) are demonstrated to have an isoelectric point of approximately 9.1 and to be complexed to proteoglycans. Upon Sepharose CL-2B chromatography of the supernatants of calcium ionophore-activated BMMC, 67-78% of the total exocytosed [3H]DFP-binding proteins co-eluted in the excluded volume of the column as a greater than 1 X 10(7) Mr complex bound to 4-7% of the total exocytosed proteoglycans. The remainder of the exocytosed proteoglycans, which filtered in the included volume of the gel filtration column with a Kav of 0.66, contained chondroitin sulfate E glycosaminoglycans. After dissociation of the large Mr complexes of [3H]DFP-binding proteins-proteoglycans with 5 M NaCl and removal of the proteins via phenyl-Sepharose chromatography, the proteoglycans filtered from the Sepharose CL-2B column as a single peak with a Kav of 0.66. The susceptibility of 24-59% and 36-76% of the glycosaminoglycans in the large Mr complex to degradation by nitrous acid and chondroitinase ABC, respectively, indicated the presence of proteoglycans that contained heparin and chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans. Disaccharide analysis revealed that the chondroitin sulfate in the high Mr complex was chondroitin sulfate E. Following chondroitinase ABC treatment of the large Mr complex, the residual heparin proteoglycans filtered on Sepharose CL-4B under dissociative conditions with the same Kav as the original, untreated proteoglycans. Thus, the protein-proteoglycan complexes that are exocytosed from activated mouse BMMC contain approximately equal amounts of proteoglycans of comparable size that bear either predominantly heparin or predominantly chondroitin sulfate E glycosaminoglycans. The demonstration of these secreted complexes indicates that the intragranular protease-resistant heparin and chondroitin sulfate E proteoglycans in the T cell factor-dependent BMMC bind serine proteases throughout the activation-secretion response.