Background: Medialization laryngoplasty is a common procedure for voice rehabilitation in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Complications are uncommon and delayed infections involving implants are rare. We report a delayed infectious complication following an animal scratch resulting in a laryngocutaneous fistula.
Methods: Case report.
Results: A 73-year-old female underwent a successful and uneventful medialization laryngoplasty for idiopathic unilateral vocal fold paralysis using a silastic implant. More than one year after surgery, she presented with an anterior neck infection following an animal scratch with CT neck findings of a left strap muscle abscess. After incision and drainage, cultures grew methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Despite culture-directed antibiotic therapy, the neck continued to drain persistently. Laryngoscopy with stroboscopy revealed a medialized vocal fold with no obvious granulation tissue and normal mucosal pliability. The patient underwent neck exploration revealing a laryngocutaneous fistula. Thus, both the fistulous tract and implant were removed. The wound was closed with a strap muscle advancement into the laryngoplasty window. One month after surgery and antibiotics, the patient had no signs of recurrent neck infection, with a well-healing wound and stroboscopic findings of complete glottic closure, symmetric vocal fold oscillation and acceptable phonation with mild supraglottic compression.
Conclusions: Delayed complications of medialization laryngoplasty are rarely reported. This case demonstrates a delayed infection of a laryngeal implant after an animal scratch requiring implant removal, local tissue reconstruction, and culture-directed antibiotic therapy.
Keywords: Delayed implant infection; Laryngocutaneous fistula; Medialization laryngoplasty; Silastic; Thyroplasty.
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