Purpose: To assess the quality and accuracy of cancer-related physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) information provided on major cancer websites from English-speaking countries.
Design: The study used a cross-sectional design.
Sample: A list of major cancer websites (N = 11) was generated from countries that speak English primarily (e.g., Canada, Australia).
Methods: These websites were assessed for quality and accuracy based on a detailed coding framework (e.g., PA guidelines, PA and cancer prevention). Frequencies and descriptive statistics were derived for website characteristics of interest.
Findings: All sites reviewed within this study offered PA information for cancer prevention and cancer survivorship. However, while 81% of the sites presented information for SB and cancer prevention, very little information was presented for SB and cancer survivorship, with only 18.2% of the information being offered.
Conclusions: The quality and accuracy of cancer-related PA and SB information presented on leading cancer websites is variable. Further information is warranted in the areas of SB, resistance training, and behaviour change strategies.
Implications: Websites have considerable value as knowledge translation tools and, therefore, presenting evidence-based information that is easy to understand may positively impact the health and behaviours of cancer populations, as well as the general population.
Keywords: Physical activity; behavioural health; quantitative; sedentary behaviour; survivorship.