As complete host resistance in soybean has not been achieved, Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum continues to be of major economic concern for farmers. Thus, chemical control remains a prevalent disease management strategy. Pesticide evaluations were conducted in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Wisconsin from 2009 to 2016, for a total of 25 site-years (n = 2,057 plot-level data points). These studies were used in network meta-analyses to evaluate the impact of 10 popular pesticide active ingredients, and seven common application timings on SSR control and yield benefit, compared with not treating with a pesticide. Boscalid and picoxystrobin frequently offered the best reductions in disease severity and best yield benefit (P < 0.0001). Pesticide applications (one- or two-spray programs) made during the bloom period provided significant reductions in disease severity index (DIX) (P < 0.0001) and led to significant yield benefits (P = 0.0009). Data from these studies were also used in nonlinear regression analyses to determine the effect of DIX on soybean yield. A three-parameter logistic model was found to best describe soybean yield loss (pseudo-R2 = 0.309). In modern soybean cultivars, yield loss due to SSR does not occur until 20 to 25% DIX, and considerable yield loss (-697 kg ha-1 or -10 bu acre-1) is observed at 68% DIX. Further analyses identified several pesticides and programs that resulted in greater than 60% probability for return on investment under high disease levels.
Keywords: baseline sensitivity; brown rot; fungicide; genetic diversity.