Pear Blister Canker Viroid: Host Range and Improved Bioassay with Two New Pear Indicators, Fieud 37 and Fieud 110

Plant Dis. 1999 May;83(5):419-422. doi: 10.1094/PDIS.1999.83.5.419.


An investigation was conducted to improve the biological detection of pear blister canker viroid (PBCVd), which over a period of 2 to 3 years induces pear blister canker disease on the perry pear (Pyrus communis) cv. A20. PBCVd was not detected by dot blot hybridization or bioassay in any of the tested species of Amelanchier, Aronia, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, and Pyracantha. However, some species of Chaenomeles, Cydonia, and Sorbus, five out of 13 species of Malus, 15 Pyrus species, and 16 commercial pear cultivars were susceptible to PBCVd, although none developed symptoms. Only in perry pear seedlings did approximately 5% of the population react to infection with pure PBCVd strains by developing petiole, leaf, or bark necrosis 2 to 3 years (cv. A20) or 3 to 5 months (cv. Fieudière) after inoculation. The selected Fieud 37 and Fieud 110 clones are proposed as PBCVd indicators to replace A20. Results from bioassays on the indicators and from detection by a PBCVd-cRNA probe were essentially in agreement except for some Malus species.

Keywords: viroid; molecular hybridization.