X-ray mirrors are widely used in beamlines and laboratories as focusing or collimating optics. As well as the highly accurate processes used to fabricate them, optimized alignment of X-ray mirrors also plays an important role in achieving an ideal X-ray beam. Currently, knife-edge scans are the most often used method for aligning X-ray mirrors, which can characterize the focal size and tune the alignment iteratively. However, knife-edge scanning provides only one-dimensional information and this method suffers from being time-consuming and requiring a high-resolution piezo translation stage. Here we describe a straightforward and non-iterative method for mirror alignment by measuring the relationship between the tilt aberration and the misaligned pitch angle, which is retrieved by an at-wavelength metrology technique using a randomly shaped wavefront modulator. Software and a graphical user interface have been developed to automate the alignment process. Combining the user-friendly interface and the flexibility of the at-wavelength metrology technique, we believe the proposed method and software can benefit researchers working at synchrotron facilities and on laboratory sources.