We have compared the ventilatory responses of intact and carotid body-denervated (CBD) goats to moderate [partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood; (Pao2) approximately 44 Torr] and severe (Pao2 approximately 33 Torr) many time points for up to 7 days of hypobaria. In the intact group there were significant time-dependent decreases in partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) in both moderate and severe hypoxemia (approximately-7 and -11 Torr) that were largely complete by 8 h of hypoxemia and maintained throughout. Acute restoration of normoxia in chronically hypoxic intact animals produced time-dependent increases in Paco2 over 2 h, but hypocapnia persisted relative to sea-level control. Arterial plasma [HCO3-] and [H+] decreased, and [Cl-] increased with a time course and magnitude consistent with developing hypocapnia. Chronic CBD, per se, resulted in a sustained, partially compensated respiratory acidosis, as PaCO2 rose 6 Torr and base excess rose 3 mEq/1, [Cl-] fell 1 mEq/1, and pHa fell 0.01 units. During exposure to identical levels of arterial hypoxemia as in the intact group. CBD animals showed no significant changes in PaCO2, [H+]a, or [HCO3-]a at any time during moderate or severe hypoxemia. Plasma [C1-] remained within the normal range throughout exposure to moderate hypoxia and increased in severe hypoxia. In a few instances some hypocapnia was observed, but this was highly inconsistent and was always less than one-third of that observed in intact goats. In contrast to intact goats, acute restorations of normoxia in the chronically hypoxic CBD goats always caused hyperventilation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)