The unusual symptom, "finger imprint", described exclusively on Poncirus trifoliata, has been reported in only a single field trial investigating the effects of citrus viroids on crop performance. With this, the question has persisted whether the observed growth abnormality was a disease symptom induced by Citrus viroid IIIb (CVd-IIIb) or a consequence of mechanical damage caused by the handling of young trees during propagation or cultural practices in the field. The recurrence of finger imprint symptoms on trees after 5 years in the field in which no abnormal growth features were previously noted now supports the proposition of a viroid-induced disease. The symptom expression results from an unusual etiology of a complex relationship of the specific viroid CVd-IIIb on the specific rootstock P. trifoliata only when supplemental water is applied by sprinkler irrigation.
Keywords: citrus disease; citrus dwarfing.