Tracheal diverticulum is a rarely congenital or acquired tracheal benign entity, characterized by round or spherical out-pouching of the tracheal wall. Most of the tracheal diverticula are asymptomatic disease, and therefore surgical treatment has not been widely reported. Symptomatic diverticula can accept conservative treatment such as anti-inflammatory, postural drainage, etc. Transcervical resection or endoscopic laser surgery or electrosurgery should be considered for patients with severe symptoms or combined with repeated tracheobronchial inflammation. However, there is still insufficient evidence to recommend the optimal therapeutic schedule at present. We describe a special tension tracheal diverticulum with rare symptoms of dysphagia and dizziness for the first time which has a recurrence after interventional sclerotherapy followed by transcervical resection.
Keywords: Tracheal diverticulum; surgery; symptom; treatment.