Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd., which causes Asian soybean rust (SBR), was observed on Florida beggarweed, Desmodium tortuosum (Sw) DC., in Attapulgus, GA during late October and early November 2005. Tan to brown lesions (<1.0 mm in diameter) consistent with symptoms of SBR (2) were observed on older leaves of several plants collected near an SBR-infected soybean trial. Dissection (40 to 60×) and compound microscopy (×200 to 400) revealed conical pustules and ellipsoid, echinulate urediniospores (average size 15 × 20 μm) on the abaxial leaf surface. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (primers Ppm1 and Ppa2) (1) was conducted on four samples to confirm identification of P. pachyrhizi or P. meibomiae. Three were positive for P. pachyrhizi, and one was negative for both species. Using morphology and real-time PCR, SBR was confirmed as P. pachyrhizi by the USDA/APHIS in Beltsville, MD. Six noninfected Florida beggarweed plants were transplanted to pots during December 2005 and grown at 22 to 24°C in a greenhouse. On 11 January 2006, a water suspension of urediniospores collected from SBR-infected soybeans (1 × 105 spores per ml) was spray inoculated on all leaves to almost runoff and incubated for 48 h in a plastic humidity chamber. Lesions, pustules, and urediniospores consistent with SBR (2) were observed on 3 February 2006. A PCR assay was conducted on six samples from the infected greenhouse plants and all were positive for P. pachyrhizi. Florida beggarweed is widespread in the southern United States and may serve as an additional overwintering source for P. pachyrhizi and a potential inoculum source for the soybean crop. References: (1) R. D. Fredrick et al. Phytopathology 92:217, 2002. (2) J. B. Sinclair and G. L. Hartman. Soybean rust. Pages 25-26 in: Compendium of Soybean Diseases. 4th ed. G. L. Hartman et al., eds. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1999.