In the study of the electrophysiological correlates of attention, a phasic change in alertness has been classically related to a negative frontal-central shift called Contingent Negative Variation (CNV). Studies investigating the effects of meditation on the CNV in participants reporting frequent transcendental experiences (TE) reported reduced CNV in choice reaction time task (CRT), and increased CNV in simple reaction time task (SRT), suggesting that meditation can induce a more balanced attentional state. In the current study, we tested whether a similar effect could be obtained in healthy non-meditators using a single session of a specifically structured sensorimotor training (Quadrato Motor Training-QMT). In addition, in contrast to previous studies, we further examined the P3 component, reflecting cognitive load and novelty detection. We found that similar to previous studies, following a QMT session, CNV amplitude reduced in CRT and increased in SRT. Conversely, the P3 amplitude increased in CRT and decreased in SRT. Taken together, these results support the idea that QMT has attentional benefits in normal healthy participants, similar to those observed in experienced meditators.
Keywords: Attention; CNV; ERP; P3; Sensorimotor training.
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