Background: Malignancies occur in approximately 1:1000 pregnancies; the most common being breast (46%) and hematological (18%) malignancies. Oral cancers account for only 2% of all cancers in pregnant women, and there are no standard guidelines for the treatment of oral cancer during pregnancy.
Methods: Between 2007 and 2014, our department managed 1109 patients with oral cancers; four (0.4%) had tongue carcinomas during pregnancy. These cases were retrospectively reviewed.
Results: The four women were aged 29-39 (median 32.5) years. Two underwent partial glossectomy at 39 and 40 weeks' gestation, respectively, one received radiotherapy at 17 weeks' gestation, and one underwent supraomohyoid neck dissection and hemi-glossectomy with a forearm flap reconstruction.
Conclusion: In addition to tumor factors, the wishes of the patient and her family, gestational age, and fetal and maternal conditions are important factors in deciding on a treatment protocol. Moreover, treatment decisions require multidisciplinary approach.
Keywords: Chemotherapy; Oral cancer; Pregnancy; Radiotherapy; Surgical therapy.