Personalized medicine (personalized medicine, individualized medicine) represents the totality of methods of prevention of a pathological condition, diagnosis and treatment in the event of its occurrence, based on individual patient characteristics. Such individual characteristics include genetic, epigenetic, and transcript, proteome, metabolomic and metagenomic markers, as well as a set of variable phenotypic traits - both of the patient's body and its separate tissues or cells. For example, treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) can most clearly show the importance of applying personalized approaches. Currently in the treatment of patients with IBD paid great attention to genetic studies, monitoring of the concentration of the biological drugs and the level of antibodies to them, the role of microbiota as a predictor of effectiveness of therapy of IBD. Used clinical, laboratory, instru- mental methods, as well as new biomarkers to assess the forecasting efficiency of conservative therapy in IBD patient. In the future treatment of patients with IBD will include a number of personalized data in order to better predict outcomes of the disease in each patient and more ac- curately select the appropriate treatment regimen.
Keywords: Crohn's disease; genetically engineered biological preparations; inflammatory bowel disease; personalized medicine; transplanta- tion of fecal microflora; ulcerative colitis.