Ototoxicity is a collateral effect of prolonged treatment with chloroquine which is a widely utilized as an anti-lupus and anti-malarial drug. Glial cells of inner ear are responsible for maintenance of neuronal cells homeostasis in auditory system. In the current study we have evaluated chloroquine-induced toxicity and protective effect of ascorbic acid treatment on Schwann glial cell cultures of inner ear. Glial cells were cultured from organ of Corti of mice cochlear structure. Purity of Schwann glial cell was confirmed by S100 protein staining. Cell viability was evaluated in control and cultures treated with different concentrations of chloroquine. Glutamate uptake and ROS production were measured by HPLC and DCFH-DA probe fluorescence, respectively. Results have shown that chloroquine treatment evoked concentration and time -dependent toxicity (LC50 = 70 μM) as well as significant decrease on glutamate uptake and high production of ROS in glial cell cultures. Co-treatment with ascorbic acid has prevented both chloroquine-induced ROS production and chloroquine toxicity on glial cell cultures. This pre-clinical study is the first one to demonstrate chloroquine-induced ROS production by glial cells of inner ear as well as the protective effect exerted by ascorbic acid on these cells.
Keywords: Ascorbic acid; Chloroquine; Inner ear; Schwann glial cells.
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