Image quality assessment of pre-processed and post-processed digital panoramic radiographs in paediatric patients with mixed dentition

Imaging Sci Dent. 2018 Dec;48(4):261-268. doi: 10.5624/isd.2018.48.4.261. Epub 2018 Dec 20.


Purpose: To determine the impact of an image processing technique on diagnostic accuracy of digital panoramic radiographs for the assessment of anatomical structures in paediatric patients with mixed dentition.

Materials and methods: The study consisted of 50 digital panoramic radiographs of children aged from 6 to 12 years, which were later on processed using a dedicated image processing method. A modified clinical image quality evaluation chart was used to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of anatomical structures in maxillary and mandibular anterior and maxillary premolar region of processed images.

Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between pre and post-processed evaluation of anatomical structures (P<0.05) in the maxillary and mandibular anterior region. The anterior region was found to be more accurate in post-processed images. No significant difference was observed in the maxillary premolar region (P>0.05). The Inter-observer and intra-observer reliability of both pre and post processed images were excellent (>0.82) for anterior region and good (>0.63) for premolar region.

Conclusion: The application of image processing technique in digital panoramic radiography can be considered a reliable method for improving the quality of anatomical structures in paediatric patients with mixed dentition.

Keywords: Dentition, Mixed; Diagnosis; Radiography.