Electrostatic rogue waves in double pair plasmas

Chaos. 2018 Dec;28(12):123107. doi: 10.1063/1.5061800.


A nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived to investigate the modulational instability of ion-acoustic (IA) waves (IAWs) in a double pair plasma system containing adiabatic positive and negative ion fluids along with super-thermal electrons and positrons. The analytical analysis predicts two types of modes, viz., fast ( ω f ) and slow ( ω s ) IA modes. The possible stable and unstable parametric regions for the IAWs in the presence of external perturbation can be observed for both ω f and ω s . The number density of the negative ions and positrons plays a vital role in generating the IA rogue waves in the modulationally unstable region. The applications of our present work in astrophysical environments [viz., D-region (H + , O 2 - ) and F-region (H + , H - ) of the Earth's ionosphere] and in laboratory plasmas [viz., pair-ion fullerene (C + , C - )] are pinpointed.