The analysis of a series of 248 cases led to the following conclusions: intravenous pyelography, together with nephrotomography and ultrasonography represent, the pillars of emergency assessment; computed tomography, performed systematically since 1985, is the most appropriate examination for the precise assessment of the lesions in a functioning kidney; arteriography is still essential in cases of urographically silent kidneys. The choice of therapeutic approach essentially depends on the type of the lesion: severe parenchymal lesions (type III) (58 cases) and certain cases of type II trauma (25 cases) underwent a deferred emergency operation which was as conservative as possible; pedicle lesions (type IV) and serious haemorrhagic lesions required emergency surgery (11 cases); type I or type II lesions with moderate hematomas were usually treated by simple observation (145 cases); cases of trauma seen at the stage of sequelae (8 cases) sometimes required a surgical solution (arteriovenous fistula, segmental ischaemia of the parenchyma with hypertension, encysted urinoma).