We performed laparoscopic surgery for three cases of colorectal cancer using an 8K ultra-high-definition endoscopic system, which offers 16-fold higher resolution than the current 2K high-definition endoscope. The weight of the camera has been successfully reduced to 370 g. To maximize the advantages of the 8K ultra-high-definition endoscope, surgery was performed by darkening the room and placing a large 85-in. display as close to the surgeon as possible. As a result, the autonomic nerve was preserved, and the membrane structure could be clearly observed. Moreover, we were able to feel the stereoscopic effect near the 3-D image. This suggests the possibility of improved curability and function preservation with the 8K endoscope. Although there are some disadvantages that need to be overcome, the 8K ultra-high-definition endoscope will surely contribute to further progress in laparoscopic surgery.
Keywords: 8K UHD endoscope; colorectal surgery; high-resolution image.
© 2018 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.