Neural population space analysis was performed to assess the dimensionality and dynamics of the neural population in the primary motor cortex (M1) during a reach-grasp-manipulation task in which both the reach location and the object being grasped were varied. We partitioned neural activity into three components: (1) general task-related activity independent of location and object, (2) location- and/or object-related activity, and (3) noise. Neural modulation related to location and/or object was only one-third the size of either general task modulation or noise. The neural dimensions of location and/or object-related activity overlapped with both the general task and noise dimensions. Rather than large amplitude modulation in a fixed set of dimensions, the active dimensions of location and/or object modulation shifted progressively over the time course of a trial.
Keywords: demixed PCA; dimensionality reduction; grasping; manipulation; neural population; neural variability; population dynamics; primary motor cortex; reaching; state space.
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