The premises of stored agricultural products and food consists of a complex ecosystem in which several pests can seriously affect the quality and quantity of the products. In this study we utilize a 4-level hierarchical linear multilevel model in order to assess the effect of temperature, relative humidity (RH) and interspecific competition on the population size and damage potential of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) and the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). As RH was increased, we observed higher percentage of live insects, while increased levels of temperature significantly decreased the percentage of live insects. The combination of R. dominica and P. truncatus lead to reduction of the percentages of live insects in comparison to single species treatments. However, P. truncatus is more damaging than R. dominica in maize, based on the proportion of damaged kernels which were infested by each insect species. We expect our results to have bearing in the management of these species.
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