Diabetes is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular complications and ideally anti-diabetic drugs should not only reduce metabolic abnormalities but also reduce the negative impact of diabetes on vascular function; however, lowering blood glucose levels does not necessarily reduce cardiovascular events. Endothelial dysfunction, defined as a reduction in endothelium-dependent vasodilation, is the earliest indicator of vascular disease and this raises the question: Do the currently used anti-diabetic drugs protect endothelial function? Metformin, in use for 60 years, is the first choice drug for type 2 diabetes and based on pre-clinical and clinical data metformin has proven cardiovascular protective actions; in contrast SGLT2 inhibitors were only introduced in 2013 but show great promise. This review compares metformin with SGLT2 inhibitors and the data supporting their protective effects on the endothelium.
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