Purpose: In Spain, a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was firstly marketed in 2006 and mainly administered in primary care (PC) practices for girls/women or schools. As for all vaccines, a valid data source is required for research on observational effectiveness or safety. The objective of this study is to identify and validate HPV vaccinations recorded among women in The Primary Care Database For Pharmacoepidemiological Research (BIFAP) from 2007.
Methods: BIFAP includes a Vaccination File filled by PC practitionners and pediatricians. Information on women with HPV vaccinations recorded at any age was identified and validated according to whether (1) doses adhered to the following standard intervals: 27 to 269 days between first and second doses, >55 days between second and third doses, and <366 between first and third doses, and (2) additional information recorded in clinical records confirmed (through recording the brand, batch, expiring date, administration site, or vaccination comment) or refuted the vaccination and date. The latter was retrieved through manual review of anonymous records randomly selected.
Results: One hundred seventeen thousand seventy-three women with HPV vaccination records were identified (mean age 14.7 years); 82.5% had three jabs, 87.3% in recommended intervals. A sample of 978 patients' records, including 2245 jabs, was reviewed. Of the 363 jabs with additional information, 91% confirmed the vaccination. Confirmatory data was more frequent when doses strictly adhered to recommendations (96.8%-100%) than not (60.0%-85.7%).
Conclusions: In BIFAP, a cohort of women vaccinated against HPV, mostly with three doses in recommended intervals, was identified. Although additional information about the vaccination was scarce, when present, it highly confirmed it, making BIFAP a potential data source for HPV vaccine research.
Keywords: electronic health records; health informatics systems; human papillomavirus vaccination; pharmacoepidemiology; primary care.
© 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.