Male fertility can be impaired by a multitude of factors. In addition to environmental and life style factors, such as stress, noise, smoking and overweight, diverse diseases can also have a negative effect on the ability to father a child and the hormone balance, particularly the testosterone level. In many diseases the currently available data do not go beyond observations of limited fertility. In this article the focus is on diseases in the treatment field of dermatology. Special attention is paid to chronic inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases. Data from recent years show that the excessive inflammatory reaction that these diseases have in common, most probably also has an influence on fertility and interacts with the testosterone concentration in serum. In addition, the impact of hereditary skin diseases on male fertility is discussed, which can have a direct influence on the ability to father a child due to disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis.
Keywords: Dermatoses; Hypogonadism; Lupus erythematosus; Psoriasis; Testosterone level.