Silicone oil, used as a lubricating coating in pharmaceutical containers, has been implicated as a cause of therapeutic protein aggregation. After adsorbing to silicone oil-water interfaces, proteins may form interfacial gels, which can be transported into solution as insoluble aggregates if the interfaces are perturbed. Mechanical interfacial perturbation of both monomeric recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1ra) and PEGylated rhIL-1ra (PEG rhIL-1ra) in siliconized syringes resulted in losses of soluble monomeric protein. However, the loss of rhIL-1ra was twice that for PEG rhIL-1ra; even though in solution, PEG rhIL-1ra had a lower ΔGunf and exhibited a more perturbed tertiary structure at the interface. Net protein-protein interactions in solution for rhIL-1ra were attractive but increased steric repulsion because of PEGylation led to net repulsive interactions for PEG rhIL-1ra. Attractive interactions for rhIL-1ra were associated with increases in intermolecular β-sheet content at the interface, whereas no intermolecular β-sheet structures were observed for adsorbed PEG rhIL-1ra. rhIL-1ra formed interfacial gels that were 5 times stronger than those formed by PEG rhIL-1ra. Thus, the steric repulsion contributed by the PEGylation resulted in decreased interfacial gelation and in the reduction of aggregation, in spite of the destabilizing effects of PEGylation on the protein's conformational stability.
Keywords: PEGylation; adsorption; interactions; physical stability; protein aggregation; protein formulation(s); rheology.
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