Background: Dermatoglyphics alterations have been demonstrated to be an effective complement in the diagnosis of developmental disorders and a marker of prenatal stress. Several genetic and environmental factors can modify their morphology. Once defined, dermatoglyphics remain constant throughout life, being considered fossilized markers of the intrauterine development. Variations in bilateral morphological traits within an individual reflect developmental disturbances and can be measured by fluctuating asymmetry. The aim of this study was to evaluate if dermatoglyphic variations can be used as a surrogate marker prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) during foetal development. Dermatoglyphics from 58 individuals who were either exposed or non-exposed to alcohol during pregnancy (according to the levels of Fatty Acid Ethyl Ethers (FAEE) found in meconium at birth) were analyzed.
Methods: Total a-b ridge count (TABRC) and levels of fluctuating asymmetry from the a-b ridge count (FAABRC) were obtained.
Results: A significant correlation between FA and FAEE levels was found in prenatally alcohol exposed individuals (r = 0.64, p = 0.0032). Remarkably, samples with highest values of FAEEs showed greater FAABRC (6.33 ± 4.18) levels than the values of non-exposed to alcohol (2.87 ± 1.74) as well as the exposed at low concentrations (2.6 ± 1.43) (U = 61, p = 0.05 and U = 14.5, p = 0.05, respectively).
Conclusion: Heavy prenatal ethanol exposure (demonstrated by high levels of FAEEs) alters the neuroectoderm developmental program during pregnancy: PAE correlates with FAABRC, which behaves as a dermatoglyphic variable sensitive to FASD and deserves to be studied as a surrogate marker of neurodevelopmental damage during foetal development.
Keywords: Dermatoglyphics; Developmental instability; FAEE; Fluctuating asymmetry; Meconium; Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
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