The program Buccaneer, a well known fast and efficient automatic model-building program, is also a tool for phase refinement: indeed, input phases are used to calculate electron-density maps that are interpreted in terms of a molecular model, from which new phase estimates may be obtained. This specific property is shared by all other automatic model-building programs and allows their cyclic use, as is usually performed in other phase-refinement methods (for example electron-density modification techniques). Buccaneer has been included in a cyclic procedure, called CAB, aimed at increasing the rate of success of Buccaneer and the quality of the molecular models provided. CAB has been tested on 81 protein structures that were solved via molecular-replacement, anomalous dispersion and ab initio methods. The corresponding phases were submitted to a phase-refinement process that synergically combines current phase-refinement techniques and out-of-mainstream refinement methods [Burla et al. (2017), Acta Cryst. D73, 877-888]. The phases thus obtained were used as input for CAB. The experimental results were compared with those obtained by the sole use of Buccaneer: it is shown that CAB improves the Buccaneer results, both in completeness and in accuracy.
Keywords: Buccaneer; CAB; ab initio techniques; anomalous dispersion; automatic model building; molecular replacement; proteins.