DNA methylation is an important way of gene regulation. The variety of methods for DNA methylation analysis based on chemical modification or enzyme digestion has been proposed. However, DNA is able to undergo transformations under physical power. Here, we report that the cytosine methylation in CpG dinucleotides determines the difference in fragmentation rate of methylated and unmethylated DNA under sonication. We found that at the beginning of sonication, methylated DNAs are degraded faster than unmethylated one, and the difference in fragmentation degree can be evaluated with high reliability by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The optimal parameters that provide the greatest difference in amount of amplifiable DNA targets corresponding to fragmentation degree are the following: moderate amplicon size (about 150-250 bp), medium CpG sparseness (one CpG dinucleotide per ∼12-14 nucleotides of the chain), and short sonication time (less than 5 min). Along with CpG, the CpA and CpT contents of amplified regions should be taken into account for proper DNA fragmentation by ultrasound as well. The obtained data could be used for elaboration of a method for comparative methylation testing, when there is no need to detect methylation of certain CpG dinucleotides. This method will be simple (can be used by any technician familiar with PCR), low cost (no need to use an expensive reagents), and fast (only brief DNA sonication and conventional qPCR are carried out). Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
Keywords: CpG dinucleotides; DNA fragmentation; DNA methylation; UFA; polymerase chain reaction; sonication.