Uterus transplantation (UTx) has become an alternative to gestational surrogacy and adoption for women with uterine factor infertility (UFI). Brännström et al achieved the first human delivery after UTx in 2014, and to date a total of 8 babies have been born after UTx from living donors. This outcome has attracted much attention worldwide, and many countries are now preparing for UTx. There are an estimated 60,000 women of reproductive age with UFI in Japan, and these patients cannot have biological children because gestational surrogacy is forbidden in Japan. We have performed UTx research from 2009 using cynomolgus macaque, in preparation for clinical application of UTx for these patients to have a child, and we have accumulated a large amount of data. However, the UTx procedure still has many medical, ethical, and social issues that require discussion prior to clinical application. The Japan Society for Uterus Transplantation was established in 2014 for further discussion of these issues in Japan. UTx is still in the experimental stage overseas, and the safety and efficacy remain unclear, despite several clinical applications. Despite the many issues to be resolved, this organ transplantation technology will provide new hope for women with UFI, and further development of the technology is important for future reproductive and transplant medicine. In this article, we summarize the current status of UTx and the situation regarding future clinical application in Japan.
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