Acute gastric mucosal injuries are serious clinical problems worldwide and are principally found with different types of stresses in animals. A constant challenge is to find original plant products that can combat stress. In the present study, we examined the effects of big-leaf mulberry extracts on stomach injury, and the activity of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and total antioxidant activity (TAO) in the gastric mucosae of mice during water immersion and restraint stress (WIRS). Our data showed that WIRS-exposed mice produced several injuries and showed an enhanced iNOS, reduced eNOS activity, and decreased TAO activity in the stomach, whereas pretreatment with big-leaf mulberry extracts increased TAO activitiy. The data from our immunohistochemical study indicated that both iNOS and eNOS were expressed in parietal cells and blood vessels, while nNOS was only weakly expressed in parietal cells. In conclusion, our findings suggested that big-leaf mulberry mitigated WIRS-induced stomach injuries, and NOS signaling may play important roles in the mouse stomach during the recovery process.
Keywords: Mouse; Mulberry; Nitric oxide synthases (NOS); Stomach; Stress.
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