In this analysis, a method for construction of forest canopy three-dimensional (3D) models from terrestrial LiDAR was used for assessing the influence of structural changes on reflectance for an even-aged forest in Belgium. The necessary data were extracted by the developed method, as well as it was registered the adjacent point-clouds, and the canopy elements were classified. Based on a voxelized approach, leaf area index (LAI) and the vertical distribution of leaf area density (LAD) of the forest canopy were derived. Canopy⁻radiation interactions were simulated in a ray tracing environment, giving suitable illumination properties and optical attributes of the different canopy elements. Canopy structure was modified in terms of LAI and LAD for hyperspectral measurements. It was found that the effect of a 10% increase in LAI on NIR reflectance can be equal to change caused by translating 50% of leaf area from top to lower layers. As presented, changes in structure did affect vegetation indices associated with LAI and chlorophyll content. Overall, the work demonstrated the ability of terrestrial LiDAR for detailed canopy assessments and revealed the high complexity of the relationship between vertical LAD and reflectance.
Keywords: PBRT; canopy structure; leaf area density; leaf area index; ray tracing; vegetation index.