Surgical Site Infections in Slovenian Acute Care Hospitals: Surveillance Results, 2013-2016

Zdr Varst. 2018 Oct 1;57(4):211-217. doi: 10.2478/sjph-2018-0026. eCollection 2018 Dec.


Introduction: The objective was to present the results of the Slovenian National surgical site infections (SSIs) surveillance system from 2013 to 2016 and to compare them to the reference data for the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries.

Methods: Surveillance was conducted according to the Slovenian protocol consistent with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control protocol. Descriptive analyses were performed.

Results: Data were collected for 1080 patients of whom 57.4% were patients with cholecystectomy (from three hospitals), 29.0% with caesarean sections (from four hospitals) and 4.7%, 4.5% and 4.4% patients with hip prosthesis, knee prosthesis and colon surgery (each surgical category from one hospital). The pooled in-hospital SSI incidence density for caesarean section was 3.7 (95% CI: 1.4-8.1; inter-hospital range: 0.0-11.5) and for cholecystectomy 6.8 (95% CI: 3.5-11.9; inter-hospital range: 4.1-11.9) per 1000 post-operative patient-days. The in-hospital SSI incidence density for colon surgery was 24.8 (95% CI: 12.5-44.0) and for hip prosthesis 2.6 (95% CI: 0.1-14.2) per 1000 post-operative patient-days. No SSIs were reported among the 49 patients with knee prostheses.

Conclusions: The estimated SSIs incidence rates varied between different surgical categories and the different participating hospitals. In some of the participating hospitals and for some of the surgical procedures under surveillance they were rather high in comparison to the reference data for hospitals from EU/EEA countries. It is urgent to expand standardised SSIs surveillance to all Slovenian acute care hospitals with surgical wards to contribute to evidence-based SSIs prevention and control in Slovenia.

Izhodišča: Cilj je bil predstaviti rezultate slovenskega nacionalnega sistema epidemiološkega spremljanja okužb kirurške rane (OKR) za obdobje od leta 2013 do leta 2016 in jih primerjati z referenčnimi podatki za države Evropske unije (EU) in Evropskega gospodarskega območja (angl.: European Economic Area – EEA).

Metode: Epidemiološko spremljanje OKR je potekalo v skladu s slovenskim protokolom, ki je bil skladen s protokolom Evropskega centra za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni (angl.: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – ECDC). Izvedene so bile opisne analize zbranih podatkov.

Rezultati: Podatki so bili zbrani za 1080 pacientov, od katerih je bilo 57,4 % pacientov s holecistektomijo (iz treh bolnišnic), 29,0 % pacientk s carskim rezom (iz štirih bolnišnic), 4,7 % pacientov po artroplastiki kolka (iz ene bolnišnice), 4,5 % pacientov po artroplastiki kolena (iz ene bolnišnice) in 4,4 % pacientov po operaciji debelega črevesa (iz ene bolnišnice). Skupna ocena incidenčne gostote OKR pred odpustom za carski rez je bila 3,7 na 1000 bolniško oskrbnih dni po operaciji (95-% interval zaupanja (IZ): 1,4–8,1; razpon vrednosti za posamezne bolnišnice: 0,0–11,5). Skupna ocena incidenčne gostote OKR pred odpustom za holecistektomijo je bila 6,8 na 1000 bolniško oskrbnih dni po operaciji (95-% IZ: 3,5–11,9; razpon vrednosti za posamezne bolnišnice: 4,1–11,9). Incidenčna gostota OKR pred odpustom po operaciji črevesa je bila 24,8 (95-% IZ: 12,5–44,0) in za artroplastiko kolka 2,6 (95-% IZ: 0,2–14,2) na 1000 bolniško oskrbnih dni po operaciji. Med 49 pacienti z artroplastiko kolena ni bilo nobene OKR.

Zaključki: Ocenjene incidenčne stopnje so se razlikovale med različnimi operacijami in med različnimi sodelujočimi bolnišnicami. V nekaterih bolnišnicah so bile nekatere ocene incidenčnih stopenj za nekatere od operacij, vključenih v epidemiološko spremljanje, zelo visoke v primerjavi z referenčnimi podatki za države EU in EEA. To nakazuje, kako nujno je v Sloveniji razširiti v Evropi standardizirano epidemiološko spremljanje OKR na vse slovenske bolnišnice za akutno oskrbo s kirurškimi oddelki in s tem prispevati k na dokazih temelječemu preprečevanju in obvladovanju OKR v Sloveniji.

Keywords: Slovenia; healthcare-associated infections; surgical site infections; surveillance.