Successful Transplantation of Pediatric Kidneys Despite Vascular Injuries

Cureus. 2018 Jul 30;10(7):e3073. doi: 10.7759/cureus.3073.


The gap between the kidney transplant recipient list and the number of organs available for transplantation continues to grow. Pediatric donors help fill a small and valuable portion of that gap. Normally these organs are transplanted en-bloc by closing the proximal vascular caps and using the distal aorta and distal inferior vena cava (IVC) for inflow. They are however commonly injured during the donor operation making the standard operation for pediatric en-bloc transplantation not possible. This case report presents two cases in which injured small pediatric kidneys were transplanted successfully in adult patients. We are presenting two examples of common vascular injuries to small pediatric kidneys, one venous and one arterial. In both scenarios, the kidneys were transplanted using a modification to the standard technique. The two kidneys were separated and the technique of implantation was modified to allow safe transplantation. This way we were able to transplant both kidneys successfully and using a reproducible methodology. Both recipients were young adults. There were no surgical complications.

Keywords: kidney transplant; pediatric donors; vascular injuries.

Publication types

  • Case Reports