The presence of a translocation involving MYB and NFIB genes have been described in adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) from different anatomical regions. However, the exact frequency of this genetic event and its prognostic impact for patient survival remain obscure. The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review to address the prevalence and the prognostic potential of t(6;9)(MYB-NFIB) in head and neck AdCC. Quantitative analysis was done to determine the prevalence of the translocation. A total of 1,107 articles were initially retrieved with 36 remaining for data extraction. The prevalence of t(6;9)(MYB-NFIB) varied significantly (16%-100%), especially due to methodological heterogeneity among studies. A total of 11 studies attempted to determine the prognostic importance of the translocation, but no study found any significant association with survival rates; only three studies observed a significant association with age, sex, tumour location and the presence of recurrences and metastases. The prevalence of t(6;9)(MYB-NFIB) in head and neck AdCC varies according to the laboratorial methods used, and the best evidence available demonstrates that t(6;9)(MYB-NFIB) does not seem to be a prognostic determinant.
Keywords: MYB; NFIB; adenoid cystic carcinoma; head and neck cancer; salivary gland neoplasm; t(6;9).
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